Lee Won Jung, a talented actor known for his role in the Netflix K-Drama "Hierarchy," recently shared a surprising revelation. 

Despite being scouted by the renowned entertainment company HYBE, Lee Won Jung made a bold decision to reject their offer not just once, but an impressive eight times.

What makes Lee Won Jung's story even more inspiring is his unwavering dedication to his passion for acting. He emphasized that he doesn't mind having a small role in a project; all he desires is to pursue his love for acting. 

This sentiment showcases Lee Won Jung's commitment to his craft and his willingness to prioritize his artistic journey above all else.

Lee Won Jung made his acting debut in 2019 by portraying Lee Jeong Seo in the drama "Class of Lies." His exceptional acting abilities garnered recognition, leading to opportunities where he took on supporting roles in various dramas.


By declining the offer from HYBE multiple times and valuing his passion for acting over the allure of fame and fortune, Lee Won Jung exemplifies integrity and determination in following his dreams. 

His story serves as a powerful reminder that true success comes from staying true to oneself and pursuing one's passions wholeheartedly, regardless of the opportunities that may come along the way.


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